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March 10th: DocVoo is most likely a loverly individual. Trouble is, DocVoo reads BoingBoing regularly. Even more troublesome is, that DocVoo knows that I read BoingBoing regularly.

DocVoo frequently makes comments about the similarity between the odd link here and on BoingBoing. Not really a problem, except for the fact that I cite BoingBoing when I find a link there.

The other trouble is that the kiddies at BoingBoing and myself seem to have similar interests. So I started checking BoingBoing AFTER I found a potential tip. Today it was too much though. Three of my candidates were on BoingBoing.

So just go to BoingBoing.

And yes I KNOW BoingBoing has been a webtip before.



don't forget to read the comments as well.
jewel meinte am 9. Nov, 14:25:
puh. da haben erst ein paar knöpfe aufgehen müssen bis ich es ganz gecheckt hab. :)
muss man schon dazu sagen, dass der link da "ur" alt ist. ok mit der überschrift deines beitrags müsste das eigentlich geklärt sein. hm. ich denke mein englisch ist noch schlechter als ich dachte ... ??? 

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