mpg file online for approx. 1 day(6)
nikoo meinte am 12. Dez, 17:21:
hängt da etwas rauch in der luft?http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=2272347%26_index=6
docvoo antwortete am 13. Dez, 00:43:
nein nein. keine angst.klassischer morgennebel.
für den rauch bin ich zu weit weg.
nikoo antwortete am 13. Dez, 12:42:
zu weit weg? tatsächlich?some say the smoke has already reached french shores.
anyway, too bad you are not here tonight when me is supposed to rock the house. though i'm looking forward to, when?, friday? hell yeah, the doc will be back!
docvoo antwortete am 14. Dez, 00:27:
yes. he will. for some time. and the smoke always goes with the wind. always goes with the wind.haven't seen it. wasn't really looking for it either.